About Hansen Contracting llc

Our mission at Hansen Contracting is to provide superior, reliable craftsmanship that’s built to last. When you choose us for your contracting needs you can rest assured at night knowing your project will be completed with the upmost integrity and accuracy. We are 100% committed to providing you with an exceptional experience. We pride ourselves on best practices, thoughtful attention to detail, and delivering you a uniquely crafted piece of art. We look forward to meeting you and creating a lasting partnership.

Our CEO and owner hails from the foothills of the Cascade mountains in Bend, Oregon. Growing up, he accompanied his father, who worked as a home builder and commercial roofer, learning the intricacies of these trades. By the late 80s, he was managing his own projects and crew. Over the next 35+ years, he completed numerous projects across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. In 2015, driven by a passion for the outdoors, he and his partner April relocated to Alaska, where they now enjoy exploring with their two young children, aged 6 and 3, and sharing the beauty of the state with them.